session_start(); $longestrental=28; include_once 'xfunctions.php'; require_once("includes/config.php"); ?>
You must enter fields with asterisks such as the property name and email. Each unit must also have a unique name eg. 1A
} } if (isset($_POST['all']) and isset($_POST['submit2'])) { if ($_SESSION['network'] > "") { $network=$_SESSION['network']; } else { $network=$email; } $log=date("y.m.d H:m:s"); $tt=mysql_query("INSERT INTO xprop ( prop_id , propemail, proppassword,propname, owner, manager, add1, add2, city, state, zip, phone, fax, numunits, startdate, website,lastlogon, status, numberlogins, salestaxrate, hoteltaxrate, perdiemtaxamt, deposit, description, network, propertytype, checkouttime) VALUES ('', '$email','$password','$propname','$owner','$manager', '$add1','$add2', '$city','$state','$zip', '$phone','$fax','$numunits','$startdate', '$website','$log','$status1','$num1','$salestaxrate','$hoteltaxrate','$perdiemtaxamt','$deposit', '$description', '$network', '$propertytype', '$checkouttime')"); visitlog("saved new property as $email with $numunits units","visits.html"); if ($tt) { $_SESSION['propid']=$propid = authentic($email, $password); $db_connection = mysql_connect ($DBHost, $DBUser, $DBPass) OR die (mysql_error()); $db_select = mysql_select_db ($DBName) or die (mysql_error()); $active="o"; for ($i = 0; $i < $_SESSION['numunits']; $i++) { $v="unitname".$i."_"; if ($_POST["$v"]>"") { $units[$i]= $_SESSION['units'][$i]=$_POST["$v"]; $aa=mysql_query(" INSERT INTO `xunits` ( `unit_id` , `prop_id` , `unitname`, `active` ) VALUES ('', '$propid', '$units[$i]', '$active')"); } } $_SESSION['website2']=''."$email"; $mess1="Account Details: \n Email: $email \n Password: $password \n Membership $status1 \n \nYour webpage for clients to see your rates and availability calendar is \n$email \n "; $mess2="The following information is required to set up a property: an email address, a password of your choice, the number of units, the unit names, and a property name.
Enter number of rental units - maximum 60
For properties with more than 60 units please contact as at
if ($numset>60 or $numset<1) { echo "Please enter from 1 to 60 units* indicates required field